I love this fabric, I love this color combo! I have some left over, so I might make a pillow cover or something.
The baby model was borrowed from some friends of mine. I made this quilt for them before baby was born, and even from the pictures you can tell it's wonky, without even folding it up. They love it anyway.
I just wanted to borrow the baby and take a few pictures. The dad is an amazing photographer and started clicking away! The baby was a GEM. Most babies love me. Okay, ALL babies love me. But this one? Cries when she sees me. I've learned that I have to ignore her and let her come to me.
She loved this blanket. We threw it on the living room floor, and she just had a ball playing with it. Loved wrapping herself in it, and being the star of the show.
We joked that she was a diva and demanded only WHITE M&Ms. Where is my EVIAN! I WAS PROMISED EVIAN!
She was a doll. Perfect and lovely and sleepy toward the end, which worked out well for the parents.
Oh! OMG.
Etsy only allows you FIVE pictures! Five! How do you pick your favorite? So I picked five, but here are the rest, because I can't help it. If you love the photography, let me know. I know a guy ;)
Music listened to while making this quilt: Cake, Grouplove, Vampire Weekend, Coldplay, The Cure, The Flaming Lips.