and then i found strip piecing. and then i found chain piecing. and then i put them together and i could DO THIS ALL DAAAAYYYY.
i don't know if you've heard of this little site called pinterest? i've found so many piecing pins there. don't follow my quilt board. i'm embarrassed at the amount of pins.
so. strip piecing. it's so awesome.
i also have a problem with collecting fabric. i buy fabric, and then i have a hard time cutting it up. this is why so many promised projects take me so long. it's too pretty to cut up. once i cut it up, it's all gone. what if i cut wrong and the fabric isn't available anymore, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
blah blah blah.
so i made this quilt. and omg, i can't find the pins that got me cutting fabric! **updated. whew! i found it. of course it's from the purl bee. i saw these tiny pincushions and figured i could spare a few squares (heh) to see what these fabrics looked like together.**
so i'll begin. is this a tutorial? i don't know. no. it's pictures with words.
i had this fabric for another project. two projects. i thought they would go well together, but i didn't have the balls to cut the fabric. and i saw this pin for small pincushions and thought i could just cut up a LITTLE fabric and it would be okay.
sooo many pictures!